Hospitality & Events

St. Luke’s is well-known for hosting congregation-wide and community dinners.

Individuals within the congregation sponsor coffee hours after the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. services, which are a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted with your fellow worshippers. An active Men’s Group and an equally active Women’s Group, called St. Luke’s Women’s Guild, meet socially and to undertake church projects.

We invite you to take a closer look at our many hospitality ministries and welcome any questions you may have or inquiries on how to participate. See our full calendar of events [anchor link to calendar below on page]

Coffee Hour

Members of St. Luke’s volunteer to bring refreshments and set up coffee to be served after the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. services. Coffee Hour is a special time at St. Luke’s providing those attending services with the opportunity to meet others and relax for a friendly conversation. It is an excellent way for visitors to explore St. Luke’s as a possible church home. You’ll always find many who are happy to meet and get to know anyone visiting our parish.

Women’s  Guild 

Women’s Guild provides spiritual support, friendship, and social experiences to the women of St. Luke’s. The Guild raises funds through raffles and the annual Snowflake Faire, and assists St. Luke’s Men with fundraising efforts. The group meets monthly (September through May) in the Parish Hall to conduct Guild business and explore friendship; there is often time for a short bible study after the main meeting is over. There is usually a speaker who talks about a topic current with the church. All women at St. Luke’s are invited to be a part of the Women’s Guild.

St. Luke’s Men

St. Luke’s Men sponsors meal fundraisers raising money to support the church and the wider community. The dinners include, the Chili Feed, Fat Sunday Pancake Brunch, “St. LukAngelo’s” Italian dinner and the Jeff Books Western Night Steak Dinner. This group meets monthly for dinner, companionship, business, and often has a speaker. A men’s discussion group meets once a month for an evening of spiritual formation, a light meal and fellowship. 

Welcoming/Involving Committee

St. Luke’s Welcoming/Involving Committee coordinates St. Luke’s Greeters, who play an important role greeting visitors and helping them feel comfortable in our worship. This group also welcomes those new to the congregation through welcoming receptions and other events, and assists those new to St. Luke’s to find activities and ministries in which to participate. 

St. Luke’s Calendar 

Below are a few of the upcoming events at St. Luke’s. All are open to the congregation, as well as to the community. If you have an event you would like to schedule, please contact our Parish Administrator.