Prayer Ministries

St. Luke’s prayer ministries pray for the needs and concerns of our congregation and community.  

Prayer Chain

St. Luke’s Prayer Chain is made up of a dedicated group of parishioners who pray regularly for people whose names are submitted to the group, usually by people from the St. Luke’s community. The group is committed to confidentiality. Names can be given to anyone in the group or by calling the parish office.

Knit One, Pray Too, Prayer Shawl

The mission of the Knit One, Pray Too Prayer Shawl Ministry is to create prayer shawls for people needing the warm arms of care and concern wrapped around them. Our members knit or crochet shawls that are given to persons who are dealing with illness, grief or other types of crisis, as well as to expectant mothers. Baptismal shawls are presented to families in celebration of the occasion. The group also creates pocket prayer squares that have been sent to our soldiers serving overseas and given to other healing ministries.

More than 1,000 shawls have been completed, blessed and presented to those in need of prayer. The group continues to present prayer shawls to the residents of Orchard Ridge and Trinity Group Homes. Prayer shawls are also donated to Family Promise and Safe Passage.

Daughters of the King

Daughters of the King is an international women’s group that  strives to be an extension of Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, service and evangelism. DOK keeps an ongoing prayer list, provides prayer beads to anyone who wants them, and performs service activities at St. Luke’s, such as collecting the monthly Reverse Offering of goods donated by parishioners that are then distributed to local charities.

Service activities in which they participate include collecting school supplies for children at a local elementary school, preparing a home cooked meal for the Bike and Build youth and Family Promise, maintaining a used book shelf with profits benefiting the Safe Passage Center in Coeur d’Alene, and working with a local Girl Scout troop decorating new socks for women and children in local shelters.

Members believe that through their personal relationships with Christ, they strive to reach out to others through these loving acts and to proclaim their faith. Membership is open to all Episcopal Church women and the local chapter at St. Luke’s gladly welcomes anyone who is interested.