Worship Services, Worship Tradition

The Episcopal Church is part of the Anglican Communion comprising 112 dioceses in 17 nations and territories.

The Episcopal Church, established shortly after the American Revolution, has its roots in the Anglican Church. The Anglican Church, known as the Church of England, had a strong following in colonial America. But when the colonies won their independence, the majority of the United States’ Anglican clergy refused to swear allegiance to the British monarch as was required. As a result, The Episcopal Church was formed.

Today, the Episcopal Church is in all US states and territories, Central America and the Caribbean, Taiwan and across Europe. There are 9 provinces (bigger areas) with 112 diocese, with 1.5 million members. It is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion which is in 138 countries across the work with 42 provinces and 85 million members worldwide.

It is through this robust history that we have been experiencing and worshiping God throughout the ages, and with millions around the world. On any given Sunday, we are sharing similar liturgy, prayers, and hymns, raising our collective voices to love and worship God.

Services at St. Luke’s

St. Luke’s offers five worship opportunities, including our weekly services on Sunday, a Noonday Prayer and Intercession service on Wednesdays, and a Contemplative Prayer service on the first and third Tuesdays of each month (September through May).

Rite I Holy Eucharist.
Sunday at 8:00 a.m.

From The Book of Common Prayer, this service is prayed with the traditional language and piety of the Elizabethan era. (Spoken)

Rite II Holy Eucharist.
Sunday at 10:00 a.m.

From The Book of Common Prayer, this service is prayed with more contemporary language and modern inclusive theology. This service includes music, hymns, and instruments for special services.

Children’s Chapel
Part of 10:00 a.m. Service

Children’s Chapel is an interactive and energetic portion of the 10:00 a.m. service designed for children and families who want to join (infant – school age), offering age-appropriate exploration of scripture, prayers, confession and contemporary children’s songs. Children’s Chapel rejoins the 10:00 a.m. service for Holy Eucharist. Learn more

Contemplative Prayer
1st and 3rd Tuesdays
of each month at 5:30 p.m.

The contemplative prayer service is prayed in the Celtic tradition, and offers time for silent and group prayers and reflection. It meets via Zoom only on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.

Noonday prayer
Fort Sherman Chapel
332 Hubbard St., CdA
Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m.

The Noonday prayer from The Book of Common Prayer offers time for intercessions. This service is offered in-person and on Zoom.

The Book of
Common Prayer

The Book of Common Prayer is rich with opportunities for daily prayer, including services for Morning Prayer, Noonday Prayer, Evening Prayer, Compline and Daily Devotions for Families and Individuals.
Download a copy